MFK - Education

Education for a conscious
and creative generation of

Learn how to use the MFK Program. You’ll get precise information about state of your client’s entire body. Explore all their hidden blocks, asymmetries, and negative stereotypes there. MFK will help you to return people to a life in motion.

Visual Communication

The MFK Application helps you to communicate with the world around you! The visualizations are a clear source of information for therapists and patients. The therapist sees exactly how the examination, therapy and checkups should be performed. Our diagnostic maps help patients to understand what they are feeling. MFK helps you to build trust and rapport through communication and sharing.

The 5 Steps
of MFK
Explore the MFK Basic Course

Bring our system into your work and lighten your load! You will get access to the MFK Web Application and other key professional development tools. Working with the MFK Method you can still use all your previous knowledge and therapeutic techniques.

Spine Diagnosis

You will learn how to see the body’s balance and differentiate the seriousness of pain.

Muscles Diagnosis

Learn how to diagnose muscular systems with structural or functional pain.

Reflex Points Therapy

Go deeper into the secrets of tight muscles.

THE Course
Theoretical E-learning
5 Basic Modules in our app
2 Diagnostic Modules in our app
1 Therapeutic Module in our app
60 Therapeutic credits
2 days of practical work with a teacher
2 days of examinations
A certificate of successful completion of the course – and access to the MFK online app afterward.
Be a part of a unified whole!

We will take you through each part step by step, exploring and learning how to use the MFK Method through: theory, practical work with the instructor, practice with clients, and at the end you will have a certification exam. With our app you will work more effectively, and you will join broad network of MFK therapists.

Dr. Martina Končalová Ph.D.
Creator of the MFK Method

It works!

The MFK Application helps you to study and apply basic principles of healing. It gives you a concrete basis for every treatment you do, and that’s a huge advantage! If you let the app lead you, and trust in your reading of your patient’s body, you will find that it works.

Easy and Playful

The learning starts online. Read expert texts at your own pace, watch best practice videos, solve crosswords, take tests. Your instructor can help you with any questions.

Practical work with an instructor. Explore with wisdom.

Online theoretical knowledge is always followed by practical work with a trained instructor. All details will be clarified, all questions answered, in order to smooth out the transition to working with clients.

Gaining Experience
through practical work with clients.
Everyone needs to discover their own method, one that is best suited for themselves and their clients. Our Educational Program will help you to use the MFK Method thoroughly.
Confirmation so you can trust in your abilities!

The closure of the MFK coursework is a great learning experience for everyone. You will also have time share your personal experiences, which is the most interesting part of the examination.

Education that’s fun!
We teach you how to observe movement and the whole system in the entire range from illness to health. You learn how to perceive lifestyle disbalance and harmony, how to use thinking, sensory, and personal approaches. You learn how to use medical knowledge, your experience, and logical steps - using our analytical software - making the journey to health enjoyable for both client and therapist.
MFK Topics - choose the ones you are interested in

You can choose from the offer of diagnostic and therapeutic modules based on your interest. It’s up to you if you begin with learning about skin or joints, or if you decide to develop therapeutic skills first.

Diagnosis Workshops
Muscles Diagnosis
Learn how to diagnose structural or functional pain in a muscular system.
Joints Diagnosis
Learn how to systematically evaluate joint diagnosis.
Organs Diagnosis
Learn how to diagnose viscero-somatic expressions in human behavior.
Skin Diagnosis
Learn how to use a preventative diagnoses to understand the current state of the nervous system.
Spine Diagnosis
Learn how to diagnose blocks of the spine.
Therapeutic Workshops
Fascia Therapy
Learn how to carefully release painful tension in the upper fascia.
Tendons Therapy
Learn how to cleverly and simply use touch in muscle ligaments regions.
Tender Therapy
Learn how to release muscle abdomens at their beginnings and connections.
Reflex Points Therapy
Talking Therapy
You learn the connection between body language and psychic blocks.
Active Zones Therapy
You learn to create exercises which will lead to healthy movements.
Trigger Point Therapy
You learn how to release trigger points to relieve acute and/or chronical pain.