Frequently Asked Questions


MFK care is provided based on medical laws: if you have a diagnosis given to you by a doctor, you must contact a qualified medical professional who can accept their recommendation. However, if you are interested in preventative treatments you can visit any MFK therapist without.

It is simple. On our web page, choose an MFK workplace and schedule your visit with them.

Each visit has the same 5 steps, but always with your individual content. First step is talking with the therapist about the issue, then examining your current state of muscle power, followed by analysis and diagnosis, appropriate therapy, and finally checking up on problematic muscles, how they responded to treatment.

For payment to be covered by an insurance company there must be a contract about the services. If you visit a provider who has such a contract with your insurance company, the payment would be covered by the insurance company. If the therapist does not have this contract then payment is totally up to you.

All caregivers who us the MFK application have their own price list.

If you have a particular diagnosis given to you by a doctor, it is good to choose a professional physical therapist and to bring the report from your medical examination with you.

Comfort is key, that is why examination and therapy should be made in clothes comfortable for you and the therapist.

Process of examination and therapy is done by the therapist. The computer shows the weakened functions in the muscle systems. For the therapist the computer is a navigation system and a tool which helps them find a solution to the problem.

No. If it is not possible to make such a movement due to pain, the therapist puts this information in MFK application.

Every therapist uses a variety of verified methods and principles so clients gain more strength, widen their range of motion, and reduce movement stereotypes. For specific problematic movements disorders as a whole, therapists can use specific therapeutic tools and accessories, as well as a simply using our MFK technology.

Each visit consists of anamnesis, examination, diagnosis, therapy and checkup. All of this takes approximately 60 minutes.
Do you have more questions?
Please, write us.