MFK - MFK takes care of healthy body movement

MFK Method
will get under
your skin

MFK is a set of tools which helps therapists to understand sources of pain in the body, and provides instructions on how to remove them. After each therapy you check its effectiveness with your own skin.

We take care
that body movements
are healthy

Thanks to our sophisticated MFK Application we can quickly and precisely find the causes of pain and imbalance in the spine, muscle, nervous and joint systems. In each step of therapy we know exactly where to apply it, in what order, and intensity.


This screen shows the level of problems and stressors in the body based on the muscle tests.







Zobrazuje zatížení a problémy v těle na základě vyšetření.


Zobrazuje zatížení a problémy v těle na základě vyšetření.


Zobrazuje zatížení a problémy v těle na základě vyšetření.


Zobrazuje zatížení a problémy v těle na základě vyšetření.


Zobrazuje zatížení a problémy v těle na základě vyšetření.

Over 131 828 clients worldwide
anamnesis - examination - diagnosis - therapy - checkup


We examin the entire body, not only the painful places.

Learn how to spot the key issues on our body system maps. You’ll get an exceptional assistant that helps you return people to healthy movement.

PaedDr. Martina Končalová
Author of the MFK Method
on experiences since 1989
My original idea was to create a computer assistant my work as a physiotherapist on my patients. Today the MFK Application helps people all around the world to create recipes for their health.
About MFK origins
Advantage of MFK is the wide network of therapists throughout the Czech Republic and abroad.
Find your therapist
Your stories
Pain needs to be addressed, not just suppressed. Get to know the stories of people who decided to take responsibility for their movement with the MFK method
Examples of various diagnostics